Blood Pact: The hidden power of demonology
"Drawing deep on the power delivered by my demon slave, I hold it in until it fills me completely. I can feel the power wanting to sear my flesh to ash, fire like a thousand suns. More power than I could possibly wield alone, yet too sweet to let go. Before it consumes me I let it flow to those I fight with, torn as if it were my flesh. I know well it will push them further towards achieving my goals."As a pure DPS class we warlocks have one main measure of performance; the damage meter. If we can't perform well there then our place in a group comes into question. Sure, there are times when our big health pools and bigger incoming heals earn us the job of spell-catcher but those jobs are few and far between. Generally with each patch we're looking for the build that maximises our DPS. In Karazhan it was affliction. Somewhere in tier five it became destruction. Wrath made it all a lot more even but flipped it back to affliction and tier eight flopped it to destruction once more. Poor old demonology doesn't seem to get much of a look-in for PvE... or does it?
Demonology has a bit of a dark horse lurking just before its Illidan-a-like 51 point talent, Demonic Pact. When this first hit the talent trees raiders were running around at level 70 thinking 80+ spell power on a robe was impressive. However the buff from Demonic Pact would barely register with your casters and be completely wiped out by a totem. However, we're now using our imps to warm our hands in the frozen north, filling our bags with tier nine which has almost twice as much SP! This boost in the amount of spell power we can hoard means we can really crank up this buff. If you are fully kitted out in tier eight level epics you can already turn out enough power to overwhelm the Elemental shaman's Totem of Wrath.
The up side
Obviously the biggest benefit from having a Demonic Pact warlock in the raid is the spell power buff, but just how much good is it? This is going to depend heavily on your raid composition; the more spell power users there are then the more use the build is.
First off, how big is the buff? Well, it's 10% of the lock's spell power including all buffs other than Demonic Pact itself. If you total up all the spell power from good tier 8 gear, gems, enchants and 25 man raid buffs (including an average of buffs and procs that are not up 100% of the time) you will have around 4500. This figure will fluctuate, and outside of a raid situation it won't get this high, but you can already see that this will give around 450 spell power, 170 more than the Totem of Wrath.
To get a feel for how much of a raid DPS boost it offers I went to SimulationCraft for some sample numbers. It seems that casters get about an average boost of 1.5 DPS per point of spell power. So, using the figure above, that equates to 675 (450 x 1.5) more DPS per caster, or 255 more than the Totem of Wrath (assuming your raid has an elemental shaman). Multiply this value by the number of DPS casters in the raid group to see how much this buff is providing.
Not all casters are DPS though; this gain also helps the healers. How much help is very hard to quantify and I would have to look to the healers reading this to provide any numbers on how much they would value a 450 spell power bump. Whatever the figures, it's not insignificant and is only going to help your raid get that kill.
Another utility point of the build is that it relies on Shadow Bolt as its main nuke. Coupled with Improved Shadow Bolt this means you are keeping the 5% crit debuff up on the target. This is otherwise provided by the mages applying stacks of Scorch. It is far easier for a lock with ISB to maintain this debuff than it is for the mages, so their DPS should increase. Be sure that they thank you every time you refresh the debuff.
The down side
It's not all gravy. As is the warlock way, there is no power without a price. By going deep into demonology you are essentially sacrificing the higher personal DPS of the other specs; this could be anywhere from 5 to 15 percent. Again I'll use SimulationCraft numbers as a standard. If you aren't familiar with the tool it essentially calculates the maximum potential DPS given a set of parameters, such as class, spec, rotation, gear etc. If I compare a deep destruction build and a Demonic Pact build I find that destro has around 450 more DPS.
That figure is under ideal conditions and they are hard to attain for a demonology lock. You need to be able to make best use of your Metamorphosis and the Immolation Aura that comes with it. To get the most out of Decimation you need to properly balance your haste and distance to target. You need to manage your pet somewhat more than pointing and shooting. There's a lot that can go wrong and while I don't believe that the build is a fragile as affliction was in tier 7 it's hard work to get the most out of it. The real comparison is how much DPS you can do with it as opposed to how much you can do with other builds.
How it's done
So you want to try out Demonic Pact -- how do you do that? The standard build is 0/56/15 though there are some loose points within demonology and personally I move some points away from Master Summoner to get Improved Healthstone, not finding pet survivability too much of an issue.
There are two things at work in this build. Not only is it trying to maximise the warlocks' DPS while reaching for Demonic Pact itself but also making sure the buff is as effective as it can be. Talents like Metamorphosis, Decimation and Bane bump your DPS, Demonic Knowledge and Demonic Aegis improve the power of the buff and Demonic Tactics, Demonic Empowerment and Ruin all improve the amount of time the buff is up for.
Supplementing the talents, you would want to use glyphs of Felguard, Metamorphosis and Life Tap. The Felguard is marginally better than the other pets at maintaining the buff because of his fast hit rate (more chances to crit) but this is marginal. The reason you want the Felguard is simply because of the pure DPS he does -- it makes sense to glyph him. The extra duration on Meta not only lets you hit harder for longer but can also let you get up to an extra 6 seconds of Immolation Aura as it will now cool down before Meta expires. Glyph of Life Tap is not only a decent DPS boost to you, but being a gain in spell power means it's a DPS gain for the raid. Feel free to tap every 40 seconds to maintain the buff until you get into the last 35% of boss life and you work Soulfire into your rotation or when in demon form. You can also activate the GoLT buff before the fight starts, preferably with a rank 1 Life Tap.
As with all lock builds it's more about priority of spell than an actual rotation. Keep Curse of Doom up at all times until the boss isn't going to last long enough for it to hit, otherwise use Curse of Agony. Maintain Immolate throughout the fight. Apply Corruption if the boss is over 35% or if you have to move and have no other better instant to cast. Use Life Tap to maintain the Glyph buff as I said. Fill this with Shadow Bolts when nothing needs refreshing.
I bind Metamorphosis, Demonic Empowerment and my trinkets to my Shadow Bolt button with the following macro.
#showtooltip Shadow Bolt
/run SetCVar("Sound_EnableSFX","0")
/cast Metamorphosis
/use 13
/use 14
/cast Demonic Empowerment
/run SetCVar("Sound_EnableSFX","1")
/cast Shadow Bolt
/run SetCVar("Sound_EnableSFX","0")
/cast Metamorphosis
/use 13
/use 14
/cast Demonic Empowerment
/run SetCVar("Sound_EnableSFX","1")
/cast Shadow Bolt
This makes it a bit easier for me as a raid leader but you might want to manage these more closely -- to time them with other events such as Heroism and Bloodlust for example. Even with the macro, I keep a plain Shadow Bolt keybound so I can delay the activation of these things should I want to. The /run lines of that macro simply stop the game giving me the sound alert that the various cool-downs are not ready.
Another line that can be useful to add to your macro is this:
/cancelAura Demonic Pact
If you remember, I said that Demonic Pact works from the total of the lock's spell power including all buffs other than Demonic Pact itself. This means that if you have a Totem of Wrath present then you will have its buff the first time your pet crits, but it will then be over written by Demonic Pact. Since DP doesn't get included in the calculations for the strength of the DP buff, the next refresh will not include DP or the totem (as it was overwritten); essentially the buff will be 28 spell power weaker. This is tricky to understand but if your raid has an elemental shaman putting down a Totem of Wrath, and a lot of casters, you can further boost the raid DPS by adding this line to your main nuke. It will remove Demonic Pact from yourself and you will then pick up the Totem of Wrath buff once more.
Some quick points about Demonic Pact
- There is no use in having more than one Demonic Pact lock in your raid, and 5 & 10 man instances have limited use for a DP lock. If you would like to try it then I advise having another spec to swap into.
- Looking through combat logs for first kills, a number of top guilds run with a Demonic pact lock but also many do not. It's a personal choice and group balance consideration rather than pure out-and-out DPS necessity. Talk to your raid leaders about it.
- There is currently a recognised but unresolved bug where Prayer of Spirit seems to prevent the Demonic Pact buff from being triggered. This can be avoided by removing Prayer of Spirit and asking for a single Divine Spirit instead.
- The two piece tier nine set bonus improves the crit rating of both the Felguard's Cleave and melee swings -- not just Cleave which could be considered the Felguard's 'ability'.
- Now that ISB will always provide the maximum strength debuff you may be able to drop some points from it and still maintain the debuff.
- The Elitist Jerks forum is maintaining a thread about the benefits of Demonic Pact in raids.
Blood Pact is a weekly column detailing DoTs, demons, and all the dastardly deeds done by Warlocks. If you're curious about what's new with Locks since the last patch, check out the Patch 3.2 Warlock Guide or find out what's upcoming in Cataclysm from the BlizzCon 2009: Class Discussion Panel.
Filed under: Warlock, Analysis / Opinion, Raiding, Talents, Buffs, (Warlock) Blood Pact
Reader Comments (Page 2 of 3)
Nathral Oct 5th 2009 12:15PM
I thought that Curse of Agony was the preferred method of keeping Molten Core up do to the frequent ticks and the instant cast time. When did Immolate overtake it?
duffry Oct 5th 2009 1:55PM
As is mentioned below the article is focussed on a deeper Demo build. For 40/31 and 41/30 I would suggest Glyph of Incinerate (with GoLT and either Glyph of Felguard or Conflag as appropriate).
For 0/56/15 GoMeta does actually edge GoImm slightly but the difference is slim, so feel free to use either. I ran the SimulationCraft numbers again with GoImm and you can see they are almost the same with Meta just ahead.
donjimbo Oct 5th 2009 12:09PM
Great article, just one question:
Shouldn't you use CoA instead of CoD for more MC uptime or is the loss of gcd's not worth it?
Andrew R. Oct 5th 2009 12:35PM
Can we please please keep him? I promise I'll take good care of the columnist! I'll feed him, clean up after him and play with him!
Modpapa Oct 5th 2009 12:38PM
err the bvp, try reading the article--he's talking about the DP buff. Meta/ruin is five points less in demo and Ruin isn't even part of the spec he's talking about.0/51/20 isn't the same as 0/56/15. Nice fail on the snark, though.
thebvp Oct 5th 2009 12:51PM
What does it matter?
Even as 56/15, Molten Core is going to encourage you to weave Immolation into your rotation, so I don't see those extra 6 seconds in Illidanform is going to be superior to a dps gain on a spell that is constantly up.
Buffbotlock Oct 5th 2009 12:38PM
The one benefit of Meta not listed here is that if played properly it's the most powerful AoE build in WoW.
Try it on Onyxia. Really. Wait until the whelps are together, Seed 3 of them, pop meta, pop immo Aura and Spam RoF while you stand in the middle of them all.
Just make sure Shatter is off CD. It's great on Freya and Anub'arak, too.
On single target fights, though, it's not so hot. It would be great if there was a scaling talent in Demo for Corruption somewhere. Because you are basically throwing anything out there as Demo that will do damage.
The prayer of spirit bug seems fixed now, too, Dominic.
At least I haven't noticed the issue occurring anymore. Glyph of Life Tap is also now factored into your DP buff. This is pretty massive.
Buffbotlock Oct 5th 2009 12:39PM
I forgot:
Another great article Dominic.
mwaf Oct 5th 2009 2:34PM
The prayer of spirit bug is fixed now as far as I've tested since 3.2.2a.
Darkmercy Oct 5th 2009 1:01PM
Excellent article, I will happily redirect guildies here when they get huffy and puffy about me going demonology for progression fights that we're having non-enrage timer related issues with.
Also good to know the 10% ability buff from the Tier 9 applies to felguard melee, I never got around to testing it myself.
Hor Oct 5th 2009 1:17PM
It's funny, my guild on Bloodscalp has been looking for a solid raiding Demo lock for the past 2 months, we finally filled the position yesterday. Amidst many applicants going "Demo lulz, no way that's the worst spec ever!" those applicants were promptly declined. Thanks for the article, and keep the Warlock articles coming.
Malgorthaur Oct 8th 2009 10:42AM
One question left unanswered, or maybe it was and I missed it- Which stone are we using for this fight? The Spellstone, for the haste boost and the damage increase to the (few) DOT's we are using, or the Firestone, for the crit boost and the increased damage with our biggest nuke? Unfortunately, tests involving the Test Dummies are not very conclusive it seems.
guydebord Oct 5th 2009 1:56PM
Seems like EJ's official simcraft for this spec is using the Spellstone.
Nibbit Oct 6th 2009 7:03AM
I use the crit stone in raids or when you want to do AOE (our best) damage. The hatse stone is best when fighting against single targets.
guydebord Oct 5th 2009 1:46PM
Just wanted to throw it out there that I've been reading this site since I started raiding almost a year ago, and this is one of the most informative & useful articles that I've bumped into in the warlock columns here. From my experience as an RL in Ulduar, and lock class leader, I wanted agree that having this spec in your raid isn't a deal breaker (not that much is these days), but it can be very nice on some fights as other commenters have said. Two quick caveats/additions: First off, demonic pact will never be up 100%. EJ has done extensive testing and it's around 90% average last I checked, so you rDPS contribution needs to be factored in kind. Second, I'm not sure what your setup for simcraft was, but EJ has been consistently showing destro/aff at around 1000 dps higher than any Demonic Pact build in t8 (and my experience playing has been consistent with that). But all in all, a great technical article for raiders!
Jagoex Oct 5th 2009 3:13PM
My calcs echo your own, but are a little more pronounced - my personal Destruction DPS is roughly 1.5 - 1.8k higher than my Demo DPS in ideal tank-&-spank situations, on average. I have seen it exceed 2k in some cases.
I fully expect to see the talent modified to boost personal DPS more and raid DPS less in the future. Otherwise, the rate of increased Spell Power that we are seeing will make it one of the more-necessary raid buffs in the game; a characteristic the development team has made clear they want to see less and less of, sadly. =/
Rowan Oct 5th 2009 1:53PM
Fantastic article. I went into Wrath with Affliction, switched to Destro at 80, and toyed with Demo here and there. I must say Demo w/ Meta is the most fun I've had with a Warlock spec. I never could get the rotation down with Decimation weaving enough to raid with it but, you've renewed my love of Demo and I'm gonna give it a go - such a well written and articulated article can help. :)
One question - when does one pop Meta? Right as the boss engages? Whenever its up? Does the rotation change in Meta? :/
Jagoex Oct 5th 2009 3:01PM
Very nice write-up, Dom. As someone else suggested, Elitist Jerks is a great source, but rarely is the information packaged as well as you have presented it. Nicely done!
I just began raiding regularly (well, MORE regularly) once again, and was receiving a lot of hate for either speccing into deep Demo or asking to bring in a deep Demo 'lock for raid DPS purposes. Warlocks are no longer known as the DPS-boosting, mob-debuffing class they once were and some argue SHOULD be, so anything other than Destruction is often frowned upon out of sheer misinformation.
But word is getting out.
Just this last weekend, a raid that I assist-led was having issues in Phase 2 of Onyxia-25. At my behest, we brought in a Demonology Warlock and downed her the following attempt. People were left patting themselves and their personal DPS on the back... few of us actually understand what had just happened.
Thank you for getting this information into the mainstream. Hopefully many raids will be able to take advantage of it before it gets nerfed.
We are Warlocks, after all. It's bound to happen.
Tridus Oct 5th 2009 4:48PM
As a healer, we like more spellpower. It makes HoTs bigger, heals bigger, and most importantly: Priest shields bigger. When damage is tight, more spellpower saves lives.
And I agree with everyone else, this is an excellent column. Good job!
Viper007Bond Oct 5th 2009 4:52PM
I've been playing this spec for a week or two now and it was one of the best decisions I've made. It nerfed by DPS by about a 1000 (down to around 5000), but the overall raid DPS has increased by quite a bit (our mages and boomkins are each doing over 7000 now). I have 4500-5000 spell power during the fight, so that's an extra 450-500 spell power for all the caster DPS and healers. It one of the large contributing factors to us being able to work our way through ToC 25 hard mode.
I highly recommend this.