Patch 3.3 PTR: Area-of-effect damage cap change
When you hit a single mob or player with a spell, or some kind of crude inertia-based impact utensil, the game will work out how much damage that target takes. This is based on the various offensive properties of you and the spell or utensil, as well as the defensive properties of your target. The same is true for area-of-effect (or AoE) abilities, though these tend to do less damage to a single target. Add in some more targets and, while it's still fun to do lots of damage to one of them (with the casting and the poking with sticks), you may have a chance to do damage to all of them at once. Let's say that you can do 2500 damage to a single target with one spell or stab, but can only do 1000 damage to a single target with your AoE ability. If you have five targets that you can hit with your AoE, then that will do a total of 5000 damage. Already we're having more fun than just beating on the one target.
So we're doing 1000 damage to every target and as we keep adding targets we keep doing more total damage. The current AoE damage cap is on that total amount of damage. Once we reach that total then we simply can't do any more. If more targets are added then the amount we do to each is reduced, to keep our total on the cap limit. The change in Patch 3.3 PTR doesn't have a value for the total damage you can do. Instead it works out how much damage you would do to ten targets and limits you to that. This means that your AoE spells will do the normal amount of damage to a group of ten or less targets but as soon as you add an eleventh (or more) your damage per target is reduced. To quote the patch notes:
In other words, if a spell does 1000 damage to each target, it would hit up to 10 targets for 1000 each, but with more than 10 targets, each target would take 1000 damage divided by the number of targets. 20 targets would be hit for 500 damage each in that example.Depending on the current AoE damage cap this change might mean we do more or less damage to a large group of targets (probably less). What it does mean is that the damage cap is more predictable, and more scalable. We'll be able to know at what point our AoE abilities start losing power by counting the targets and this will adjust as we increase in level and improve our gear.
Patch 3.3 is the last major patch of Wrath of the Lich King. With the new Icecrown Citadel 5-man dungeons and 10/25-man raid arriving soon, patch 3.3 will deal the final blow to the Arthas.'s Guide to Patch 3.3 will keep you updated with all the latest patch news.
Filed under: Guides, Analysis / Opinion, Patches, Druid, Warrior, Warlock, Shaman, Rogue, Priest, Paladin, Mage, Hunter, Death Knight
Reader Comments (Page 3 of 3)
JKWood Oct 9th 2009 5:48PM
I think the point is, they should get a group of the proper level, not be run by bored 80s.
But we wouldn't want them to get experience playing their class, now would we?
JKWood Oct 9th 2009 5:51PM
I think that instead of running lowbies through content, we should make them find a group of the appropriate level. There's thousands of alts out there of all levels who they could group through.
Heaven forbid they should learn to play their class or anything.
Turtlehead Oct 10th 2009 2:46AM
You do realize that with the current caps a caster is best doing those SM farm runs half naked or with a bunch of junk MP5 gear, right? Most of your SP is wasted/overkill. Might as well take 50s off the repair bill by not wearing it.
People are complicating this change and being far too quick to scream nerf.
Now: you cap with many targets
Change: you cap with many targets
Now: lots of targets = less damage to each target
Change lots of targets = less damage to each target
Now: you cap with fewer targets as your gear gets better, maybe under ten
Change: you always cap at ten targets
Now: cap never changes
Change: cap increases with better gear
Now: I did x damage!
Change: may do more or less damage. Depends on spell (old cap--they're all different), gear, and number of mobs
Boobah Oct 9th 2009 4:17PM
As many others have pointed out, AoE caps have been in the game for a long time. Currently, the damage cap is based on spell rank. The new method not only scales with your character's stats, but meshes with Blizzard's stated intention of removing spell ranks.
It's also worth pointing out that there are some spells that are not AoE capped, specifically because Blizz didn't want to cause tanks problems with pulls of large numbers. If I recall correctly, neither Consecration nor Death and Decay have AoE caps, and I'd suspect the same is true of Swipe (Bear), Thunderstomp, and Shockwave, although it'd make more sense (if the code exists to support it) to simply turn off AoE caps for anyone in their respective tank stance.
Then there's the poisons procced by Fan of Knives, or a Death Knight's Pestilenced diseases. These are applied by an AoE, but they aren't an AoE themselves and consequently immune to any AoE caps.
Paploo Oct 9th 2009 4:17PM
I'm not convinced that this is a nerf.
As I understand it nearly all AoE damage spells already have a max-DPS hard cap currently (not taking into account haste). As people gear up this means that it takes fewer targets before they hit this hard cap and still do the same max-DPS possible with that spell. If I read this correctly, this change will eliminate the hard cap and make it so that as I gear up my number of targets before I hit max-DPS remains constant (10) while my actual max-DPS number gets higher.
Thus, if in our current gear we're already approaching, or hitting, that max-DPS cap with fewer than 10 targets, this is actually a buff to AoE spells. Plus it means that Blizzard doesn't have to change the hard cap every time a new ilevel of gear becomes available.
Krick Oct 9th 2009 5:53PM
AOE caps are all about nerfing people who farm instances that they
out-gear. I suspect that Blizzard's intended target is gold farmers,
but normal players, particularly AOE based classes like pally tanks) are
taking a lot of collateral damage in the war against gold farmers.
Combine this nerf with the current and upcoming changes to block value,
and you're going to see a LOT of unhappy pallies. The whole reason
that I started playing a pally tank was for doing fun things like
pulling large portions of Stratholme in one giant pull. Pretty soon,
this won't be possible.
Krick (under construction)
Ueber Oct 9th 2009 5:57PM
A lot of people seem to be misunderstanding the change. From GC's mouth:
"I think you're misunderstanding the change (which could certainly be our patch note). What we're doing is making sure that your AE damage will always go up if you increase gear. If you do a fight where you AE a lot (cough Onyxia) you could very well be at the cap already which makes additional gear feel lame. With this change, the cap itself will scale with your damage.
I guess it's a moderate nerf to solo farming but AEs still rock for blasting apart raptors in Stranglethorn. "
And I for one definitely already feel the AOE cap, on Onyxia in particular. Puny mind sear numbers (even in grande bulk) make me sad.
Chamual Oct 9th 2009 7:29PM
Our guild can AOE alot of the mobs in Ulduar now (not that there's much trash to speak of), including mirimon and vexas trash. The little trash there is in Wrath has been AOEable from the start of the expansion, even when starting in Naxx most of the mobs could be aoe tanked down, and in Sarth all the trash was aoeable.
It's a big change from BC where raiding was all about CCing the trash, and there was lots of it (not so much as vanilla however). I'm all for trash becoming a little bit more involved with big pulls and lots of CC, it's stil possible to raid and clear trash quickly if you have an organised group, I guess it's not so easy if you are playing in a more casually orientated raid which is what Blizz have catered for in Wrath.
The main problem I have with WoW atm is how much Blizz tinker with it. It's not the actual changes per se, that bug me, just the constant flux that the game has been in since Wrath hit. Classes get buffed and nerfed every patch, I can tank ToC with ease one week and the next be taking 25% more damage even tho the raid is doing the exact same thing.
Blizz seem to be trying to hard to tweak the game at the moment, resulting in massive swings in class performance and raid tactics, and changing key class abilities patch by patch. The game mechanics for playing a protection spec paladin have changed seemingly constantly since patch 3.0 hit. Key stats have switched, threat generation abilities have changed, talent trees get moved around, regeneration abilities altered. It's not that this all happened in 3.0, its that it has also happened every patch since....
It seems that at the moment Blizz don't really know what game they want us to be playing. Trying to cater for everyone has meant that each time they try to please one crowd the game swings in a widly different direction, hell, we're on our 4th set of emblems soon when one badge type lasted us the whole TBC!!
Darasen Oct 9th 2009 7:31PM
Just wanted to point out how nigh impossible it is to get a group together for any content below level 80. By Blizzards own design your characters are either level 80 or getting there as fast as possible.
Cyno01 Oct 9th 2009 9:54PM
Dang, no more 70k dps on onyxia whelps. Cold Blood + FoK ftw...
Cyno01 Oct 9th 2009 9:58PM
(Vanish = Overkill) + Cold Blood + FoK + 2pc T8 bonus...
Roxton Oct 10th 2009 9:30AM
You know why AoE caps were introduced? Because Faxmonkey (a mage, of course) soloed an entire Scourge invasion (a 1.1 scourge invasion, not the Wrath version).
Harrison Oct 13th 2009 2:34PM
completly of subject, i have seen that picture many times. now i have a feeling that it is from a warhammer trailer? im not entirely sure. Anyone know??
Mephron Oct 30th 2009 4:05PM
Harrison: it's from the WotLK opening cinematic, and visually refers to the classic WoW cinematic.
constantinzug Nov 4th 2009 5:27AM
This sucks ... badly