Patch 3.3 PTR: Fine threads and feisty pets for warlocks

Felhunter's have also had a buff but this one seems slightly odd. On paper it looks exactly the same as the the one for the imp -- Pandemic has been extended to include Shadow Bite in dealing 100% extra damage on a critical strike. The confusion lies in that Shadow Bite seems to be doing that on the live servers already. When tested on the PTR with Pandemic, however, its criticals are looking like they are doing 150% extra damage. It seems this change is going to need some further work, even if it is just to clarify the language. With this confusion, I'm less certain what impact the change will have on affliction DPS but expect it to be something like half of that for destruction. However it shakes out, this is a further buff for warlock damage. It's certainly nice to see some continued attention being applied to lock mechanics as we progress with the patch testing.
As well as the pet changes the warlock tier ten models have been added. Datamined images have made their way onto the World of Raids and MMO-Champion websites. I would be lying if I said I was blown away by the models but they are nice. I will certainly be glad to get out of my mage-a-like tier 9 and put on something that feels more like a warlock's garb. The checks on the trim seem to evoke images of a court jester that I'm not overjoyed about and I wonder how a belt will fit with the robe that seems to have it's own belt built in. The stitching, while it does cry out "dilapidated", gives a nice touch I feel.

- 2 Pieces: The critical strike chance of your Shadow Bolt, Incinerate, Soul Fire, and Corruption spells is increased by 5%.
- 4 Pieces: Each time your Immolate and Unstable Affliction spells deal periodic damage, you have a 15% chance to gain 10% damage done by you and your pet for 10 seconds.
The 4 piece bonus looks to give 10% to all your damage while the buff is up. In order for it to be as good as the 2 piece bonus the buff would need a 25% uptime. Initial indications suggest that it could well be more like 30-40% This is assuming that the buff doesn't have an internal cooldown (a period of time after it triggers in which it can't trigger again). So that's a 3-4% DPS gain, which sounds very nice indeed -- slightly better for affliction and destruction than demonology, due to their spell priorities. Bear in mind though, these figures are the kind of values that may well change before we see the patch go live.
Filed under: Warlock, Patches, Analysis / Opinion
Reader Comments (Page 1 of 3)
ROB13 Oct 17th 2009 2:10PM
I summon the Dark Magician-Oh wait that's Warlock T10?
Eternauta Oct 17th 2009 4:50PM
That's what I thought, too.
Hexbox Oct 17th 2009 11:34PM
And then you can summon your Blue-Eyes White Dragon!
/use Albino Drake
Dreadskull Oct 17th 2009 8:30PM
You fell for Blizzard's trap card.
Jason Oct 17th 2009 10:28PM
You, sir, just made my day.
Dolan Oct 18th 2009 6:44AM
Clydtsdk-Rivendare Oct 18th 2009 9:37AM
Cool kids use Blackwings these days.
/cast Onyxian Drake
Luke Oct 17th 2009 2:12PM
When can we customize our demons' appearances? I want an orange Felguard, dangit!
Hëx Oct 17th 2009 2:18PM
I am highly excited by the Affliction changes coming up, and the Imp is a big part of that. Glad to see it's getting some love besides the changes to the talents.
Millea Oct 21st 2009 7:23PM
Why are you using an imp for affliction?
We should be using the Succi or the Felpuppy
Hëx Oct 21st 2009 11:42PM
@Mil Strictly as a mana battery.
kabshiel Oct 17th 2009 2:20PM
Could the inconsistency be caused by Shadow Bite being considered a melee attack, and thus naturally doing 200% damage on crits, while Firebolt is considered a magic attack, so it only does 150% crit damage? So with Pandemic, Shadow Bite should be doing 300% crit damage, while Firebolt does 200% with Ruin, right?
Banndit Oct 17th 2009 2:21PM
Damn warlocks always get the coolest looking gear.
Zhiva Oct 17th 2009 2:24PM
purple KKK hat with dead orc mask?
souvlaki Oct 17th 2009 2:30PM
You've must forgotten how alliance's Trial of the Crusader gear looks. Or was your comment ironic? XD
macster Oct 17th 2009 2:59PM
A lot of people have said it, but I don't see the KKK thing. I also find the people revelling in it pretty distasteful.
The facemask reminds me of a Warhammer 40k Space Marine. And the rest reminds me of a Jawa. Especially the gnome.
Volkrin Oct 17th 2009 3:03PM
To me it's pretty obviously a lich. It's been the theme of t10 so far to be modeled after minions of the scouge, with the warrior gear being very vrykul-y and the hunter gear bringing to mind a crypt lord. The rogue gear is clearly a geist, and the mage gear seem to be channeling the San'layn. The fanged skeletal mask along with the rather ostentatious headset just screams "lich" to me.
macster Oct 17th 2009 3:22PM
Now you say it, I'm really seeing the lich influence.
Also, MMO-champion now has a video and models of the set for all races and colours of the set. I have to say, it looks absolutely brilliant.
raspybunk Oct 17th 2009 5:28PM
Looks more like a nightmare before christmas outfit with the stitching. Don't see the kkk thing at all. That's what magician hats look like. Surely you think merlin is racist as well.
Anaughtybear Oct 17th 2009 5:43PM
That armor is hilarious.