Blood Pact: Tip-top trinkets

Unlike your normal gear items, trinkets offer a little more interaction. Whether they are proc-based and trigger themselves in response to things you do, or on-use and need to be activated, or even just charge themselves up to give a steady buff they normally need some degree of user attention. This makes them something of a personal choice item. There are certainly those that are bad, better or brilliant but choice and playstyle often impacts trinket selection.
Below I've listed out fifteen trinkets that can take a warlock from freshly dinging 80 to the best the game has to offer. They are in a rough DPS benefit order, though that will depend on your other gear, spec and preference to some degree. So lets see what shinies await us.
Dislodged Foreign Object
This is by far the best warlock trinket in the game right now. Even the normal version beats the heroic versions of others to a bloody pulp. The only downside to using it is the uncomfortable feeling of wondering what the hell it is and where it got dislodged from. Rotface doesn't look the most sanitary of beasts but he is one of the easier bosses in Icecrown Citadel which makes this trinket fairly accessible. The downside is that everyone and their dog wants it.
Charred Twilight Scale
Currently only on the PTR this is set to become the new best in slot. The heroic Dislodged Foreign Object still trumps it however. Working in pretty much exactly the same way as the Abyssal Rune this is a low maintenance trinket (doesn't need to be triggered) that will nicely boost your damage even without you coinciding events with its procs.
Muradin's Spyglass
I love this trinket. While having proc-based and on-use trinkets means you can work some well-timed magic I prefer the stability of a flat, consistent buff. This trinket offers much the same bonus as the Illustration of the Dragon Soul but with a nice big crit bonus as well. What really makes this trinket stand out is its availability -- dropping from the loot-boat in ICC-10 makes this a pretty easy find.
Phylactery of the Nameless Lich
Having a huge spell power buff but fairly long internal cooldown means that this trinket is very good but makes your damage more spikey. If you can make good use of those spikes then you can do good things with this trinket. Being triggered by a DoT pretty much ruins this trinket for mages, greatly increasing the change of being able to get your hands on it. On the flip side you need to be able to kill Sindragosa which can put it out of the reach of more casual players.

Reign of the Dead/Unliving
Before Icecrown Citadel opened up this was the BiS item to be seen with. Interestingly this proc doesn't buff you but simply adds in its own damage. Still a very powerful trinket but unless you have the heroic version then the ICC ones (above) will all be better. TotC-25 is a nice quick and fairly easy instance now so this is a pretty accessible trinket as long as you can convince people to go back there.
Flare of the Heavens
Another great proc-based trinket but if you don't already have it then I wouldn't suggest trying to get it. Few people are interested in Ulduar any more and convincing people to do General Vezax the hard way for your trinket might be a hard sell.
Maghia's Misguided Quill
As I mentioned in the article about Emblems of Frost, this trinket is hugely powerful but only if you need all the hit. If you don't (and most people really don't) then it's pretty poor. That said, if you have had no luck with drops and have a ton of emblems going spare then you could do worse. The on-use ability is good and it does free you up to choose gear upgrades you might otherwise reject for fear of dropping below the hit cap.
Illustration of the Dragon Soul
I was very lucky to get hold of this trinket quite early on and kept it right the way into ICC. You can "charge it up" before a fight (rank one life tap) so you maintain a flat 200 spell power buff the whole time. Given that Sartharion is still interesting to people as he's a quick zerg kill and drops a drake you might get chance for this item but it only drops in the 25 man version, so it can be tough.
Eye of the Broodmother
Pretty much any Ulduar ten man PUG can bag you this ocular beauty. Very nice trinket in its day and it will still tide you over well.
Glowing Twilight Scale
The PTR tells us this is the healer version of the Charred Twilight Scale from the Ruby Sanctum. Please don't need on this if a healer does, it won't do you anywhere near as much good as it would them. That said, if you don't have a decent trinket and happen to see this drop AND nobody wants it then a 190 spell power buff is better than an Abyss Crystal.
Purified Lunar Dust
Another healer trinket and not worth the cost. However, given the highly unlikely situation of your having emblems to burn and no better trinket then the flat 179 spell power isn't bad.
Althor's Abacus
As with the other healer trinkets this one is mostly wasted on a warlock, so pass for a healer. Again though, the spell power is good if you have nothing better.
Scale of Fates
Another great warlock trinket in its day this one is probably not going to be something you stumble across very easily any more. Good for bit of burst when required though.
Abyssal Rune
While being right down on the list this is probably the easiest trinket to get hold of. Simply keep running Trial of the Champion until you have it. A very good trinket for the fresh 80 warlock.
Sundial of the Exiled
Not as good as the Abyssal Rune but about as easy to get hold of, this one requires no luck and nobody can out roll you on it. Forty emblems and it's yours.

Filed under: Warlock, Analysis / Opinion, (Warlock) Blood Pact
Reader Comments (Page 1 of 2)
Oreo May 31st 2010 7:08PM
how come Nevermelting Ice Crystal wasn't mentioned? its a pretty accessible trinket.
SINisterWyvern May 31st 2010 8:09PM
Wild Magic Potion + Never Melting Ice Crystal + Fight you can keep the same corruption on the boss the whole time = pure soul razing putrefaction.
Looking at 70%+ crit actual (with recount and world of logs data) on Corruption
Viper007Bond May 31st 2010 9:55PM
Yeah, Nevermelting Ice Crystal is actually BiS for Affliction warlocks due to how Corruption works. As long as you keep the debuff up, it will retain the original properties of the cast, i.e. it's as if the trinket was proc'ed for the WHOLE fight.
Sean May 31st 2010 10:36PM
Yeah that is a gross oversight if this is meant to be a comprehensive list for all specs. Nevermelting Ice Crystal is BiS for Affliction, as others have said, outside of possibly heroic DFO/heroic Phylactery. With a friendly Rouge you can roll an 80% crit Corruption with a flat +15% damage bonus (25% if you get amazingly lucky on your T10-4 Piece proc) for the entirety of the fight.
Xaklo Jun 1st 2010 1:34AM
Wait.... so corruption has the same benefits as Shadow Word Pain does in that it keeps all the [SP, Crit] buffs as when first applied if it's refreshed? this baffles me... Why then does blizz argue that SW:P cannot benefit from haste if corruption can (through glyph)?
/rerolls his spriest to aff lock right away.
Xaklo Jun 1st 2010 1:39AM
[edit] nevermind my ranting. I should read all the coments below before posting. Jwee clarified that corruption does not act exactly like SW:P.
RavenJet Jun 1st 2010 3:52AM
I got nevermelting ice crystal on my fourth run in PoS and frankly after comparing specs I swapped out my previous trinket, which had been an emblem purchase. Despite it having a lower gear score and putting me 40 points further away from that magic 5K mark - the simple truth is it's an awesome trinket and it's specs are really good.
It's really one of the best ilevel 232 items in the game decent spellpower bonus on-equip and massive diminishing-returns crit bonus on use.
I contemplated the GS hit for a bit, I know it's not all that matters but a lot of people think it is (despite the fact that GS gives no consideration to class mechanics) so being 4950 is worse in their eyes than the 4970 I had before... but my guildies are smarter than that - and when I go into a raid, I want to rip out every single ounce of damage I can - it's what I'm there for - they know that I know my class, know my spec, know my rotation and my DoT renews - and that if I take a gearscore hit, it's with good reason.
So what if it means I miss out on a PuG here and there ?
McGuffer May 31st 2010 7:09PM
Great list as always Hobbs, but you missed probably one of the better trinkets out there if you know how to use it right. The Never Melting Ice Crystal out of Pit of Saron Heroic. For an affliction lock that thing can rock especially on a straight out stand and nuke it fight. But you need to use it right.
Yosh May 31st 2010 7:24PM
Nevermelting Ice Crystal is almost as accessible as the Abyssal Rune. Not to mention its Affliction's Best in Slot, next to DFO.
verdian May 31st 2010 7:27PM
Thanks for the awesome Mage trinket guide!!! =)
thegatherer May 31st 2010 7:46PM
You know its bad when you have to stoop so low as use your hated enemy's resources to learn how to correctly gear your class....
Oh how the self proclaimed mighty have fallen!
Reis Jun 1st 2010 6:29AM
Dammit, verdian, is Archmage Pants' awesomesauce not good enough for you that you have to stray over to the dark side? (Is it the Fel cookies? I prefer them laced with Arcane, kthx.) : |
feniks9174 Jun 1st 2010 10:37AM
Go ahead, Mage. Roll on Phylactery since the warlock guide says it's good. That way we can all point out that it procs off periodic damage and call you a tool.
Roland Jun 1st 2010 2:09PM
You know, I posted the same thought in a recent Arcane Brilliance column, but clearly mages are more hateful about the similarities of our class. Of course, we don't use silly Intellect trinkets.
BTW: I do genuinely like Mages in one part of WoW: PvP. The burst, snares and kiting abilities are a lot more appealing to me than fear-bombing. Having said that, I'd rather do Arena on my resto shaman. :)
Kuato Jun 1st 2010 2:37PM
Except if your a fire mage you have enough DoTs to make Phylactery proc (Living Bomb, Ignite ticks, and PyroBlast). That trinket is one of the reasons that Fire mages start to bypass Arcane mages in end game raiding.
Josh Warner Jun 1st 2010 2:49PM
I feel obliged to point out that not all mages are Arcane. Fire has no less than three DoTs that are active almost constantly at high gear levels (Ignite, Pyro, and Living Bomb) and its single target damage is pulling even or beating Arcane's in a properly buffed group.
Rawr and Simcraft both show normal Phylactery scaling above all other trinkets currently available, even heroic DFO, for a fire mage. I haven't run the calculations for charred scale, but I expect fire BiS to contain this trinket until Cataclysm.
pyro_818 May 31st 2010 7:35PM
The Phylactery, especially it's heroic version, is one of the BiS trinkets for Fire Mages, which are very well-represented in ICC heroic modes. Just pointing out an error there.
Mal May 31st 2010 7:41PM
I'm surprised you didn't mention Shard of the Crystal Heart as every warlock (that isn't on ICC level yet) and their grandmother uses it. Plus it's pretty easy to get with Triumph emblems.
bilbomoody Aug 25th 2010 12:02PM
I agree, I still have the Shard of the Crystal Heart and am in ICC. Wait till heroism and pop the haste trinket for some serious damage.
thegatherer May 31st 2010 7:43PM
Quick question as it pertains to the spell power procs...
If I have my DoTs on an enemy, and i get an SP buff proc, do I have to reapply my DoTs for the buff to apply to the ticks, or is the damage done automatically recalculated?
The only reason I ask is because the Hunter ability Serpent Sting needs to be reapplied after any Ranged AP buff, but will keep up the buff if you keep reapplying it...
In short: with a SP buff, do I need to reapply the DoTs, or is the damage recalculated?