The Patch 3.2.2 Warlock bug clearout

Patch 3.2.2 has brought some new, or rather updated, content and seemingly a few initial performance issues for many. There's the usual smattering of class and item changes you would expect of a minor patch. You have to look pretty hard to find anything about Warlocks though.
Every other class has its own little section detailing the tweaks and tunings of their class or even specs but what about us? True, it does go some way to bolstering our megalomaniacal nature -- we're just too good to mess with, let these 'other' classes change instead. I had to look all the way down to the bug fixes before I even saw the word 'Warlock'.
So what has been fixed?
- Demonic Circle appears to have been buffed to remove the Frostfire Bolt snare, but this is actually a Frostfire Bolt nerf as the same is true of Vanish, Hand of Freedom and Master's Call. Is a Mage nerf better than a Warlock buff ? Too close too call, its good news either way.
- Fel Armor seems to have become somewhat friendlier to trinkets. I've not had chance to test it yet but I expect that this is referring to the healing tick triggering trinkets such as The Egg of Mortal Essence and Ancient Pickled Egg rather than simply an on-cast effect. On the down-side however Fel Armor will no longer trigger the Lightweave Embroidery effect.
Something else that has turned up is that the tier nine four-piece set bonus has been fixed. You might not have noticed that it was broken (especially if you don't have four pieces of tier nine) as it did actually do exactly what it said it would do. Immolate, Corruption, and Unstable Affliction all received their 10% bonus. The problem was that Conflagrate, which bases its damage on that of Immolate or Shadowflame, didn't benefit from the increase.
There are certainly more bugs that need addressing and it's a shame they aren't included, but it's a step in the right direction.
Filed under: Warlock, Patches, (Warlock) Blood Pact
Reader Comments (Page 2 of 2)
Matchu Sep 23rd 2009 5:18PM
Cannot reproduce :(
Doberbane Sep 23rd 2009 6:55PM
@ Matchu
Don't worry, man. Most of us playing WoW will never reproduce.
BlackTiger™ Sep 24th 2009 4:40AM
"Eye of Kilrogg"?! Who is using such stupid and useless cast?
That's why nobody knows about such "bug" and unable to reproduce it. :D
sephirah Sep 24th 2009 7:08AM
It's fixed now?
That means that Thorim won't one shot me anymore!
Tirrimas Sep 23rd 2009 5:50PM
I'm not a 'lock, nor do I play one...
But I LOVE the image for this article! What is it of, or how was it created?
duffry Sep 23rd 2009 7:02PM
Thanks. :o)
The idea for the image came from the word 'bug' in the title. Having a warlock inspecting a bug seemed a decent tie in, might even leave people wondering what the lock was planning to do with it -- a brew of some sort perhaps. I had thought to have Anub'Arak play the part of the bug but when I was looking for his model I stumbled across that of Ony and thought that tied into patch 3.2.2 nicely.
I used the WoW Model Viewer ( to clothe a human (modeled on my toon as it happens) in tier 2 (another Ony tie-in) and then actually used the beg emote to get him into a suitable pose. Next I swapped to a pic of Ony (yawning, I think) and captured that as well.
Taking these into [image editing software of your choice] I played about a bit with the relative sizes, made a couple of cut-outs to get the hands and tail in the right places on top of each other and slapped a blurred screengrab of the Slaughtered Lamb's basement in the background.
Glad you like it. It looks a little less sinister than I was hoping for but I guess sinister is in the eye of the beholder.
Waldi Sep 24th 2009 4:30AM
Fel Armour still does NOT proc from Fel Armor - at least it didn't for me in over 30 mins.
Waldi Sep 24th 2009 4:38AM
it's early... that should read... Ancient Pickled Egg still doesnt proc off Fel Armor....
duffry Sep 24th 2009 6:30AM
I have also not seen it proc off of Fel Armor which leaves you wondering what this bug fix actually fixed.
I can confirm that it does proc off Life Tap however. I haven't checked to see if this is a new thing but since I'm planning to replace [Illustration of the Dragon Soul] with one for grinding etc as it's so easy to get and gives a flat 98 SP. I just wish I would stop checking to see how many days left until it hatches.
rawrawrawr Sep 24th 2009 9:21AM
Egg of Mortal Essence has procced off of life tap ever since they changed it not to proc off of fel armor ticks anymore (in 3.1? i think).
I assume Ancient Pickled Egg is the same.
BlackTiger™ Sep 24th 2009 4:45AM
Is felgueard's hp/mo after dismount bug fixed? Or it's just a "feature" to help rogues to kill warlock before to be hit by guard's axe?
Kittens Sep 25th 2009 4:06AM
I'm not specced for the felguard, but this also happens to my succubus and felhunter.. and those have definitely not been fixed :/