The Patch 3.2.2 Warlock bug clearout

Patch 3.2.2 has brought some new, or rather updated, content and seemingly a few initial performance issues for many. There's the usual smattering of class and item changes you would expect of a minor patch. You have to look pretty hard to find anything about Warlocks though.
Every other class has its own little section detailing the tweaks and tunings of their class or even specs but what about us? True, it does go some way to bolstering our megalomaniacal nature -- we're just too good to mess with, let these 'other' classes change instead. I had to look all the way down to the bug fixes before I even saw the word 'Warlock'.
So what has been fixed?
- Demonic Circle appears to have been buffed to remove the Frostfire Bolt snare, but this is actually a Frostfire Bolt nerf as the same is true of Vanish, Hand of Freedom and Master's Call. Is a Mage nerf better than a Warlock buff ? Too close too call, its good news either way.
- Fel Armor seems to have become somewhat friendlier to trinkets. I've not had chance to test it yet but I expect that this is referring to the healing tick triggering trinkets such as The Egg of Mortal Essence and Ancient Pickled Egg rather than simply an on-cast effect. On the down-side however Fel Armor will no longer trigger the Lightweave Embroidery effect.
Something else that has turned up is that the tier nine four-piece set bonus has been fixed. You might not have noticed that it was broken (especially if you don't have four pieces of tier nine) as it did actually do exactly what it said it would do. Immolate, Corruption, and Unstable Affliction all received their 10% bonus. The problem was that Conflagrate, which bases its damage on that of Immolate or Shadowflame, didn't benefit from the increase.
There are certainly more bugs that need addressing and it's a shame they aren't included, but it's a step in the right direction.
Filed under: Warlock, Patches, (Warlock) Blood Pact
Reader Comments (Page 1 of 2)
thebvp Sep 23rd 2009 3:07PM
Also, if a priest casts a glyphed bubble on you while you're gathering soul shards, they'll get your shards!
This isn't so much a problem with warlocks as it is with the pw:s glyph, but it's worth mentioning. PW:S is the new spellsteal.
Eternalmagic Sep 25th 2009 12:04PM
Kirin Tor was here.
Rastakitty Sep 23rd 2009 3:08PM
My warlock is still waiting for:
Bug Fixes
Fixed a bug where warlock fire mistakenly showed as red/orange instead of the appropriate green.
Falcrist Sep 23rd 2009 7:41PM
"Working as intended."
Cheezfry Sep 23rd 2009 3:08PM
WTB Pet bug fix on RoV, PST.
Nick Sep 23rd 2009 3:15PM
This patch is so borring for locks that its not worth mentioning...
or wait, onyxia is no longer fire imume!
Hasteur Sep 23rd 2009 3:28PM
*cackles megalomaniacally*
Death to the broodmother
Sengir Sep 23rd 2009 3:25PM
Have they fixed the (nerf) bug that caused affliction to be completely and totally pointless as a raid spec?
Rhabella Sep 23rd 2009 3:55PM
My lock used to be my main in TBC, and I have only really started leveling him passionately again in Wrath, but even at 78, affliction is kicking ass in the content I have tested out. Sure I’m no where near the top on total damage done on a run, but on boss fights I am killing even some 80’s with about 1950 dps.
Is there a scaling issue in end game where affliction falls out of competition? I would really like to know because I have no interest in destruction. If I wanted to mistaken for a mage, I would have had to feed myself to my felpuppy and that seems so counter productive to DPS.
Didn’t stars use affliction locks to take down yogg with 0 watchers?
Lab Monkey Sep 23rd 2009 3:59PM
Affliction is fine. Not as fun as it used to be but still competitive.
OldPossum Sep 23rd 2009 4:02PM
My Affliction warlock has finally topped 3K DPS, rendering the snobs' call for "3K+ DPS" moot.
Rhabella Sep 23rd 2009 4:08PM
@ Lab Monkey,
I would really enjoy another proc to watch or dot to keep track. It feels ridiculously simple compared to pre-Wrath days.
Viper007Bond Sep 23rd 2009 5:31PM
@Rhabella: Yes, Affliction is only situational. Destro beats it hands down in endgame raiding.
malaika Sep 23rd 2009 3:32PM
No new Warlock nerfs.
SamLowry Sep 23rd 2009 3:38PM
"Initial" performance issues?
It's Wednesday afternoon and I still can't stay logged in more than 45 seconds without DCing. So when are the rolling restarts supposed to begin?
Al in SoCal Sep 23rd 2009 3:45PM
I wonder if some pro-warlock developers left Blizzard giving wins to the anti-warlock contigency?
O.O Sep 23rd 2009 4:02PM
Great job so far. Nice quick response on changes. Good job to Adam et al getting a solid Lock writer in.
To my fellow warlocks:
Fear the Arcane Mage. Remember when Destro was sick raid DPS?
Say hello to the 7500 DPS mage.........
I'm With Noob Sep 23rd 2009 4:10PM
Have they fixed the Doomguard yet? Last I checked it froze up where it was summoned.
Shysty Sep 23rd 2009 4:48PM
/tar Dominic
/cast soulstone
Great work so far Dominic. Nice to hear that the Fel Armor tick counts as a healing spell which in turn triggers a proc on those trinx.
Great work!
donjimbo Sep 23rd 2009 4:48PM
one of the fixes that wasn't in the mention in the notes was the ability for Eye of Kilrogg to aggro any hostile mob the lock had targeted when summoned. Seems like this wasn't well known bug at least from whom I've talked to, and while it was right to fix it, it was probably the most fun I've had on my lock since enslaving Brutalus on the PTR back in BC.