Grunty the Murloc Marine arrives for DirecTV viewers

Memories of BlizzCon have started to fade over the last month, but today another reminder of the event pops up. If you watched it via DirectTV you should shortly be receiving an email letting you know that soon you too can have a Murloc Marine shadowing your character's every step. The email comes with a code and a URL to visit in order to redeem the little guy. Be careful of any phishing scams, the correct URL is You must also have a account in order to receive him.
Once you have entered you code and gone through the simple redemption process the next time you log on you will have an in-game mail from Master Handler Sylvester. This will contain your special delivery of a Heavy Murloc Egg and a thank you.
Grunty the Murloc Marine, we salute you. When it comes to murlocs, you are the best of the best of the best. Sir! With Honors.
Filed under: Odds and ends, BlizzCon, News items
Reader Comments (Page 1 of 3)
Arras Sep 24th 2009 11:32AM
got mine first thing this morning and then promptly left my authenticator on my night stand :/ Good thing I can go home at lunch and redeem it :D
Knob Sep 24th 2009 11:47AM
Rylka Sep 24th 2009 12:03PM
I have also tested that you get the in-game mail with the Heavy Egg sent to newly created toons. I made a new toon after having picked up my eggs with all my current toons. Waiting in the mail of my new character was an egg, along with the collector's edition pets that get sent to new toons.
This means all future toons you make will have their own Grunty, not just the ones you have now! : )
Rylka Sep 24th 2009 12:04PM
Also, if you click him, you can hear him gurgle quietly inside his helmet. It's the same sound as the baby murlocks and Murkimus, but distorted for being inside a water-filled helmet.
Tommy Sep 24th 2009 2:43PM
Replying here so everyone can see it, the title is wrong, Grunty is currently only available for those that purchased the stream from Rayv. Those that purchased the DirecTV PPV will be receiving their codes by regular mail just like last year.
Link to Blizzard confirmation:
oppel Sep 24th 2009 11:36AM
Hope I get mine soon.
Golis Sep 24th 2009 11:39AM
*sir! with Honors!*
Golis Sep 24th 2009 11:40AM
old captain america over here is just soo excited
nomadic0ne Sep 24th 2009 2:53PM
he has no clue why we're here.
Starsmore Sep 24th 2009 11:41AM
Redeemed my Grunty first thing before going to work. Didn't have time to do the brewfest dailies, but it's a space marine murlock! And I'm never going to get enough tokens for the meta anyway. Stupid "Insult Direbrew" quest being level 70.
zuldim Sep 24th 2009 11:43AM
You know you can return the outfit after /dancing to receive your tokens back.
Arras Sep 24th 2009 11:48AM
@zuldim - I did not know that, I was thinking I'd need to grind out over 500 tickets (600 if I wanted the pink elephant). That's very good to know, thanks for the tip!
zuldim Sep 24th 2009 11:51AM
The only trick is it has to be done within 2 hours of purchasing them. So grind out 350 tokens, spend them all at once, /dance, and return them to the vendor right away.
Starsmore Sep 24th 2009 12:57PM
It's the "grind out 350 tokens" part that's killin' me. My main is only 67, so the only options for tokens are the barking daily (15 tokens), the defend the kegs daily (10 tokens if the server doesn't suck), and then the keg delivery, which I suck at. So I can only get around 35 tokens a day, combined with not being able to do this every day, means this holiday sucks for casuals.
Why is it that Noblegarden and Midsummer were so much easier than this one? They had the same wierd "dress up and do something in Dalaran!" achievements, didn't they?
Erogroth Sep 24th 2009 11:57PM
Ya but doing all the initial first day quests and direbrew for the first time should have gotten you over 100. I have only been getting 10-16 a day from the delivery and 1 day I only got 2 due to server lag and I will be over 350 tomorrow. So its doable. I plan to return the clothes, buy the brew of the month and the pink elephant pet. Then if I can earn more tokens I will buy the clothes back just cause they are cool. I already have the pony keg from last year.
zuldim Sep 24th 2009 11:41AM
This is what the e-mail looks like. If it doesn't look like this it's not the right e-mail.
Be careful even if it does look like this mind you, but this is what it looks like.
BobTGnome Sep 24th 2009 11:43AM
FYI It's Bind On Account i.e every WoW account you have tied to your battle.Net account will get Grunty. Dual-Boxing with two Grunty's never looked cooler :D
zuldim Sep 24th 2009 11:43AM
Oooooh, that's nice.
Intermittent Sep 24th 2009 11:44AM
Unlike previous Blizzcon pets/mounts, this one is sent via in-game mail to every character on your account (present and future). No more having to decide which faction/realm gets the goodies :D
Rylka Sep 24th 2009 12:05PM
And it will get sent by in-game mail to all future toons you make. I've tested it. New toons have the egg waiting for them in the mail, just like Collector's Edition pets.