Blood Pact: Warlock guide to surviving Trial of the Crusader, part 1

In the far and frozen north of Icecrown, Highlord Tirion Fordring has had an arena built in order to test the skill of heroes. He is looking to take on the might of Arthas, and what better way to prepare his army than to shut them into a room with some pretty nasty creatures and see if they survive? Well, I guess that's the kind of thinking you get when you put a Paladin in charge.
Trial of the Crusader is the latest 10 and 25 man raid instance -- just the place for your modern Warlock to flex his spell book and bag some shiny new loot. With both a Normal and Heroic mode for each size of raid, this instance has a lot of variety despite only having five bosses. I'm going to focus on the Normal mode for now as this is where most of the fights are being held but I'll try and throw in some insight for the Heroic fights as I go along.
Just to make things more interesting (read "complicated") the loot lists within ToC have some curious characteristics. First off, items within the Normal version have a 'twin' item in Heroic, with exactly the same name but improved stats. This is not because anyone was running short on names as every item has another 'twin' with exactly the same stats but a slightly different name, you get one or the other depending on whether you are Horde or Alliance.
Confused yet? Here's an example, the Blade of Tarasque drops for alliance in the 25 man Normal raid, while the higher iLevel Blade of Tarasque drops in Herioc. The Horde equivalent is the Barb of Tarasque from Normal and Barb of Tarasque in Heroic. In this article I'll only refer to the Normal mode Alliance versions as a guide to the sorts of items each boss drops.
Northrend Beasts
Gormok the Impaler
The Impaler (no relation to our friend Vlad) is a pretty stand-up fight where all that is expected of us Warlocks is to bring the pain; and lots of it. Unlike Patchwerk though, there are a few things that can get in the way of doing that. The first one to avoid is Staggering Stomp, simply stay more than 15 yards away from the boss and you'll be fine.

Besides hitching a ride and flailing about, the little rats also throw Fire Bombs. These hurt, so don't stand in them. As a ranged class you can find yourself a good place to stand early on -- be ready for it before it arrives. If you have space around you then you won't be hit when others are targeted, and having space in front of you means you can move out more quickly. On Heroic mode these fire patches hit really hard and also place a DoT on you. The healers can handle the DoT, you have to deal with moving out of the fire quickly. Being ready not only keeps you alive but also keeps those DPS numbers nice and high.
Acidmaw & Dreadscale
These are two jormungars (big worms) that you fight together. Be aware of their debuffs -- Paralytic Toxin and Burning Bile will be dropping around the raid and need to be managed. The worm moving around the arena will only debuff their target but the one poking out of the ground will spray it at a target hitting anyone within 10 yards of them. So it's a good idea to keep aloof of those other raiders. Paralytic Toxin is pretty horrid stuff that increasingly hurts, like CoA, and slowly grinds you to a halt like wading into ever deeper treacle. It's removed by standing close to someone with Burning Bile, this can mean wading up to Dreadscale's tank or waiting for someone to run around to free you up. Check with your raid leader to see which you should be doing. When Dreadscale is planted in place and decides to gob Burning Bile over people then there's all the more reason to spread out, as being close to others really hurts; you can't remove it but you can stop it hurting too much.
Generally that's about it -- wrack unbearable pain onto whatever target your raid leader points you at, manage your debuffs and stay out of anything nasty on the floor. Though there is always the chance you might be asked to tank. Sure, I know, that's what we bring the muscle-heads for but caster tanking is a long standing tradition and one I really enjoy. This is particularly suited to Locks with some Demonology prowess because of Soul Link but anyone can throw up Demon Armor, push out some Searing Pain and cover any slacking healers with Drain Life. If you do find yourself in this role then your worm will be the one planted in the ground. Keep more than 15 yards away from it to avoid the Sweep and make sure you generate enough threat to keep agro. Warlock tanking is typically used if a tank dies or if you want two on the other worm for Burning Bile rotation. Since threat can be an issue it's generally worth having all the DPS on the mobile worm -- something that really helps with attaining Not One, But Two Jormungars.
Icehowl will saunter into the room once the worms have been squished (or after about six minutes on Heroic). His only real trick is to knock everyone against the wall and then charge at someone. Simply get out of the way if that is you or someone close to you. As far as maximising your DPS, it's a good idea to keep an eye on where he's charging and making the most of your sprint (Normal mode only) to get back onto the spell-throwing while he's still dazed. You might want to make use of your Circle for that as well but be careful not to get trampled. Other than that, stay more than 15 yards away, deal damage and get ready for loot.
Northrend Beasts loot
- 10 man - Rod of Imprisoned Souls, Icehowl Cinch
- 25 man - Shawl of the Refreshing Winds, Cord of the Tenebrous Mist, Flowing Vestments of Ascent, Blade of Tarasque
Lord Jaraxxus
Jaraxxus, Eredar lord of the Burning Legion and accidental subject of Grand Warlock Wilfred Fizzlebang's summoning. It's entirely possible that this boss was added to the game simply to annoy Warlocks. Not only is his entry into the arena heralded by a pompous, moustachioed incompetent claiming to be a powerful Warlock but he then spends most of the fight hurling Fel Fire around the room -- which is, of course, green.

Most of the other abilities that Jaraxxus has are managed by the other classes -- largely the healers. One that you do have to watch out for is Legion Flame. This will hurt you but that's the healer's problem, it will however also spawn a patch of flame at your feet every second. How you deal with this is often dictated by your raid leader but you can either run away from the boss and spread them in a line or drop them in a tighter area leaving a patch of flames. They're not very big so either strategy works, but if you do run out make sure you don't get too far away from a healer.
Lord Jaraxxus loot
- 10 man - Leggings of the Demonic Messenger, Firestorm Ring, Felspark Bindings
- 25 man - Leggings of the Soothing Touch, Symbol of Transgression
More next week
That's it for this week's Blood Pact, next week I'll be delving further into this instance and seeing what the other bosses have to offer us Warlocks. Until then keep your eye's peeled for fire-wielding rodents, oversized annelids, concussed yeti and hirsute gnomes. You are now prepared!

Filed under: Warlock, Analysis / Opinion, Raiding, Bosses, (Warlock) Blood Pact
Reader Comments (Page 1 of 3)
Nazgûl Sep 21st 2009 8:17PM
Don't forget to threaten Belt in your next column!
(Good column otherwise, you managed to get me to level that last bit on my 78 warlock. =D)
Nizari Sep 21st 2009 9:22PM
I would just assume that Belt heard about this new smack-talking warlock columnist, and paid him a little... visit. Now Hobbs don't talk no more smack, capisce?
CDave Sep 21st 2009 8:24PM
A good trick for Legion Flame is to put a Demonic Circle at the edge of the room. When you get it, just teleport to the wall and run along it so your flame trail doesnt cut through a section of the room that people may have to run through.
Cyanea Sep 21st 2009 8:25PM
Agreed with the above. That mage needs to be taken down a peg or two.
Terethall Sep 21st 2009 8:39PM
Internet Connection: $39/month.
WoW Subscription: $15/month. finally having a good warlock columnist: Priceless.
For everything else, there's killing mages.
ratbuddy Sep 22nd 2009 5:32AM
When are they planning on getting one?
Gigantor1960 Sep 21st 2009 9:37PM
Nicely done sir! I love both your writing style and your insights. Keep up the good work.
Four Sep 21st 2009 10:20PM
Quick question - Are any of the demons from the Lord Jaraxxus encounter enslave-able?
Viper007Bond Sep 21st 2009 10:28PM
99.9% sure I tried when we first did it and that they are not.
Mortosa Sep 21st 2009 11:03PM
Remember when we were supposed to use Enslave Demon on demons in a raid?
Remember when we _were allowed_ to use Enslave Demon on demons in a raid?
/sigh . . .
Four Sep 21st 2009 11:21PM
Hey thanks!
Viper007Bond Sep 21st 2009 10:27PM
Great post, even if I already knew it all. :)
Know Sep 21st 2009 11:19PM
Awesome!! A Warlock writer who actually appears to know something about playing a Warlock rather than Role Playing a Warlock!!!
Welcome Dominic and thank you!!
PS. Just need to see a bit more Mage hate :) lol
Keleron Sep 22nd 2009 12:17AM
Good stuff. I am happy to see BP back in action.
I also thought that Lord Jaraxxus was put in to annoy us. A Gnome Warlock?? Fel Fire?? /sigh
Proud2bawesome Sep 22nd 2009 12:25AM
holy jeebus. an article about current content that informs warlocks of something?! you mean i don't need to read arcane brilliance and to tell me about all this information?! holy awesome sauce!! i really do enjoy this new article and author
Caspian Sep 22nd 2009 12:46AM
Death Coil helps healer heal less when Incinerate Flesh is on you.
Ashleigh Sep 22nd 2009 1:40AM
Hey! Much better! Well written, and very informative. *gives a thumbs up* You aren't a dry stick after all!
souvlaki Sep 22nd 2009 3:02AM
A bit of fun: Summon an infernal of your own in lord jaraxxus encounter and hear your raid mates curse as they cannot throw spells at him. It happened to me incidentally when at 20% my pet died and i decided to get an infernal out for that last bit of the fight. How i laughed when i saw the confusion i created :D
Darkvil Sep 22nd 2009 3:33AM
Great to see bloodpact back
an interesting read, some other things to try,
Acidmaw and dreadscale, use the demonic circle,
just put one near the dreadscale tank to get rid of your poison
There was a rumour that the teleport dispells the poison itself but I dont think this works, needs confirming.
Not a good idea to banish the infernals for Jaraxxus, because they start to build up and overwhelm you, best to just burn them all down asap.
IceHowl use a demonic circle to port out the way of a charge :)
What I am really interested in is the ToC pvp bit and warlock strategy for CCing, as I am finding this tough. I use a pvp destro spec and gear for the trinkets, set buffs and glyphs.
Demonic circle to port and kite melee classes is good, banish the warlocks pet, alternate fear and poly with a mage to eliminate the dimishing effect.
Valkyrs, drop a demonic circle near a portal for fast colour switching during vortex and pact.
and yes the circle is my favourite spell :)
Love for the locks.
CDave Sep 22nd 2009 11:35AM
For faction champs, I'm usually assigned to the druid, so I rotate between fear, banish, and shadowfury. Even a death coil if it's up. If I'm the only one on him, and I don't have other guys on me, he can stay CC'ed about 85-90% of the time.